
Full Version: Suggested Alternate drill command procedures for home &away!
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Here is a suggested procedure for use of alternate drill commands within
you unit and when your unit attends a joint event where a different command is used.

Your Centurion gives the alternate command used by your unit:

"Ad Porta Frontum"

The troops respond just loud enough for the next soldier to hear:


The joint event Centurion gives the command not used by your unit:

"Ad Porta Principa"

The troops respond just loud enough for the next soldier to hear:


Note that this requires your unit's soldiers to stand together at a joint event until all know both commands well.

(Sample commands for "To the Front Gate" invented by myself and are not doctrinal.)
or better just publish the 'events' commands some weeks in advance and let the various groups learn them. Also it helps to do a try-out before the real shows have to be done. I don't see why this kind of stuff is necessary. You'll know the other set of commands soon enough. (and its always good to know he command sets of the big groups your working together with frequently).

Repeating the command just sounds strange to me and will make a chaotic impression, I think.
The subject came up because (some of the) the North American legions (members) are working on a standard set of commands for all units {when at some joint events} (in North America anyway) and some units have one or two alternates they want to use at home. I was suggesting an easy way to learn both commands that would not be used once all know both versions. Once the command set is finished it will be at this website: (Which is "under construction" at present) No one is saying that anyone has to adopt this command set in whole or in part but it will be available for reference and use by those who so desire.
(BTW the "North American Legion command set" is not an official name and does not imply any endorsement by any particular Legion) {I do not know what the finished manual will be called or when it will be available} {And I am not involved in decision making or a spokes person)
Nice idea John, but I think you're going to find that most groups are going to stick with what they already manual or not. Not to say they won't use what the host group is, that's only the polite thing to do.
Quote:The subject came up because the North American legions are working on a standard set of commands for all units (in North America anyway)

Yeah, not to be picky, but I wouldn't phrase it this way- just asking for issues despite the disclaimer at the end LOL
LOL, yeah...comes across as arrogant and assumes that every north american unit is somehow involved, which isn't the case. BTW John, are you a designated spokesperson for the training group?
Vee haf vays to make you valk!! :mrgreen: sorry, just can't help myself...been dying to use it for days now..... :oops: :roll:
LOL...nice Byron. Smile
Quote:LOL, yeah...comes across as arrogant and assumes that every north american unit is somehow involved, which isn't the case. BTW John, are you a designated spokesperson for the training group?
You are right and I edited the original post.