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Castra Romana is looking great for 2009!

November 12-16 (13-15 event, 12, 16 setup/takedown)

If you would like to vend, set up a table and show stuff off, do a display of a certain type of equipment (soldier or civilian) or set up and sort of display at all, please email me ASAP as I am working on the site plan in the Next few weeks.

James Mace, author and re-enactor, will be returning to sign his books and tell us of a possible movie!

Martin Keeley will be doing the Gladiator games (and I have a great spot for your demo table to... better "FLOW" this year... a lesson learned from Roman Days!).

I suspect we will have great attendance at Castra 09, so start letting me know as soon as possible if you are coming for sure. Setup starts Thursday November 12, and of course, the more, the merrier! Last year was awesome... and I cannot thank you gents who stayed (LEG V, XI, VI and others) to help dry us out and pack us up. As before we will feed the setup crew (and we ate good last year!)

The event is saturday the 14th. Friday the 13th (not a bad number for Rome...) will be finishing set up and introducing the new School of the Soldier drill and info that is underway now. Sunday the 15th is takedown (and again the more, the MUCH merrier!)

Domina Michelle Stewart has consented to once again grace us with her Roman Cooking for our Feast Saturday night. Again this will be $5 per person to be paid to Michelle in appreciation for the work she does. (SOTW buys the food as a thanks for you guys dealing with us!) Kids will have a seperate feast this year (they can hot dog themselves to death and not waste our pork roast, mussels, shrimp, duck, chicken, veal, lamb... etc etc etc etc.)

Paul Silva is working on a Medical impression, and I think we will have enought to debut it at Castra.

Kent Nilsson (The ROMAN ENGINEER MASTER of Leg VI) has yet another surprise up his sleeve for Castra too... Not giving it away...

The BEAST will of course be back, as will the TRIPASTOS.

Love to have someone set up the blacksmith/metal working display if you can. We can run a forge onsite.

Basket weavers, Photo takers, book vendors, Roman sellers, and anyone that is Roman/Ancients related is invited to attend, just let us know you are coming so we can plan space.

Preafectus Julianus has assured me that the slave who provided an ill chicken for last year's auspices has himself been sacrificed to assure us beautiful weather.

Barbarians are welcome to! We will have the little Barbarian camp, but we need BARBARIAN bodies for the arena... I mean, to display the alternative to Rome.

We will be doing more advertising than ever this year, so the crowd should be good too!

Rusty Myers
[email protected]
Castra Polo shirts online if you would like one. Embroidered and nice.