
Full Version: Shouldn\'t we also have an "indispensable linklist"
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.....your opinions, please, Ladies and Gentlemen .


I am in doubt. There are several very good sites on ancient (military) history. However, any link list gets outdated (cf. our own link list), and the sites that it links to, constantly change.

That being said, I think that the already existing link list can indeed be expanded and improved.
Working on it.
Some suggestions for the non-military part:

[url:20zlm3t9][/url]: large website with collections of translations
[url:20zlm3t9][/url]: even bigger website, similar
[url:20zlm3t9][/url]: LacusCurtius (many historical texts)
[url:20zlm3t9][/url]: hellenistic history, many sources
[url:20zlm3t9][/url]: early church fathers - and a lot more

[url:20zlm3t9][/url] Andreas Pangerl's numismatic website
[url:20zlm3t9][/url]: the latest archaeological news
[url:20zlm3t9][/url] THEOI project

[url:20zlm3t9][/url]: the British Museum's website on ancient Iraq
[url:20zlm3t9][/url]: Parthia
...hello ..
1. Jona I see your points, I did experience that too with my own website.
(Spending a little time here and there on RAT certainly didn't help me there :wink: .)
2. Great idea Jasper, where should we collect the links ? 8)
3. Jona has already begun with that. Exemplarily good work as always. 8)
4. Help needed ? .... and where shall we put the "fruits" of that work. :roll:

Greez (out of an early lunch break)

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