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Does anyone have photos of a cast ram's head.

I seem to recall that a patera once had a cast of a ram's head on it.

Any photos of a cast ram's head would be appreciated.

I don't know if this is what were thinking of, but it's a pretty darned nice piece. I'd take a mirror like this!

Silver Mirror

Or perhaps these cast ram's heads are what you had in mind?
Thanks Julilla for the photos.

I am trying to make cast ram's heads for termini for my torques.

This is why I asked for such a specific item.

However, if you have, I would need photos that are very clear and close up so that I can see the details so that I can make the mold for casting.

The ones you posted, are they Roman?

Thanks again
Yes sir, the mirror's early empire -- Augustan, as I recall. I disremember the ram's heads this early in the morning.
The second photo (of the ram head) certainly looks like the ones seen on patera handles.
Have you looked at the Konigs site Doc? They have great armillae and torqs, with good pictures of the heads on their website.....
I think I know the patera, one in Seggy museum see if I can get a pic Big Grin
Regards Brennivs Big Grin
There are a few in Verulanium Museum too, if my memory is right, but my camera is at home!
Thanks all for the replies.

Tony, the pics would be very helpful.

Byron, I know of Konig's torques. I have this thing about copying originals, not copies of originals. Thanks anyway.
To be sure, not sure where he copied them from.
Like I said, I have pictures from Verulanium as well if your interested.

Yes, I am interested in the photos. Can you please send them to me. I appreciate your help.
