
Full Version: Reenacting\'s bloody civil war
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Marching in step (or not), military tunic color, helmet lining design/material, subarmalis material, those are some of the big arguing points that our hobby lines up to battle over. What have I left out?

I'm compiling a list of topics we can't prove, but fight over anyhow, just for fun.
Among the Ballistriarii there's the ever-popular inswinger vs. outswinger debate. That one's almost guaranteed to start trouble :lol: If that fails there's always the archers/slingers rivalry.
Roman 'invasion' of ireland...
Thinking about it David, I think 'what we can prove' would be a substantially shorter list...
Auxiliaries in segmentata...
Auxiliaries with Pila, curved straight sided scuta...Auxiliaries wearing something other than Coolus etc...
"Auxiliaries wearing something other than Coolus etc..." Now that we can prove- Gallics etc found in auxillary graves IIRC
Same with seg's I thought?
Scutum colour...not really argued over but it's popped up in conversations about tunic colour.

Oh, and don't forget Latin Commands...
Why the first cohort had double the number of men than the rest of the legion :?:
Which is better - seg or mail?
How about Leather Armor, and pay rates for auxilia.

leather vs metal musculata
All good stuff, guys.

There's an argument on another board about whether centurions carried scuta, and if the lack of them accounts for the high casualty rate of the centurions.
Quote:There's an argument on another board about whether centurions carried scuta, and if the lack of them accounts for the high casualty rate of the centurions.
I'd assume they carried exactly the same shield as their men - where do we get this notion that they carried a different type? But I was guilty of thinking they didn't carry pila until Ross Cowan corrected me on that one.
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