
Full Version: Rome Parade - UK Travel arrangemnts
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Our group is in the process of organinsing transport - Deva to Roma, for bodies and kit for the Founders Day Parade.

A question for UK participants - does anyone need kit, bodies or both transporting from blighty to Rome (by road)? I know some groups have this in hand but I have also heard that some groups are struggling (at least with kit transport) Sad D Big Grin .

I believe we of the RMRS are going along with you, kit-wise.


Should help spread the cost then. Any details on what the damage is ?
Chicken and egg really Byron.

Size of vehicle + ferry + fuel / ammount of kit = cost :?

Need ammount of kit, to complete equation :?

Nothing set in stone yet. Just trying to guage level of requirement and investigating options.
Is any body out there? :?
I thought RMRS was going with II Augusta?

We have it a little easier as we don't have to cross a sea Smile

Yeah, just trying to get some details....
Quote:We have it a little easier as we don't have to cross a sea

Will you be in Rome for the parade Jef?
Jef wrote..
Quote:I thought RMRS was going with II Augusta?

Yes that's correct Jef. (Well, our kit is anyway)
Quote:We have it a little easier as we don't have to cross a sea

Will you be in Rome for the parade Jef?

Yes, I'll be there, along with a good number of commilitones from my group Legio XI CPF Big Grin

Are you planning to come too?

Kind regards,
sulla felix:35pnzew1 Wrote:
Quote:We have it a little easier as we don't have to cross a sea

Will you be in Rome for the parade Jef?

Yes, I'll be there, along with a good number of commilitones from my group Legio XI CPF Big Grin

Are you planning to come too?

Kind regards,

Yes - my first event with RMRS as a new recruit for COH I BAT 8)
Perhaps we will meet then Sulla. Are you still out in the Gulf or are you back in the UK?
Hope so! Flight is booked and I am frantically trying to finish off bits of kit.

In the Gulf Byron - on the eighth wonder of the world!
:? lol:

I'm trying to do some kit mods too, not totally succesfully....bloody pugio scabbard seems to love its original rivets.....
Managed to finally paint my legio id on my scutum, burnt my thumb in the process, but the result was satisfying. Need to make some straps for my new subarmalis, get some horn toggles sewn on my paenula, adjust my new caligae to fit, nothing to the experts, but I am trying not to f&*K it up. Sad oops:
Palm Jumeirah mate! The first of the now three palm shaped man made "things" off the coast of Dubai, next to the world shaped islands, adjacent to the newly announced Universe project (more man made things off the coast in between the world and Palm Jumeirah). It is a job to keep up with the pace of development here!

I know what you mean about those "little" projects. They all add up to a whole world of pain if you are not careful.
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