
Full Version: Living History Fayre - Warwickshire ?
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Hi there

Has anyone been to the History Fayre in Warwickshire (Feb 29th/Mar 1st/Mar 2nd)?

I need a few bits and bobs (material, belt) and wondered if it's worth a visit? Plus it's two days before my birthday so may actually have some money to spend!
No, but I may be tempted down there this year if I am off!
Good excuse to pick up my sword and pilum from Len Big Grin
I plan to be there with my stand. I am waiting for aproval letter from organizers.

Yes i have been there, good market lots of traders. Not masses of roman stuff, but berni the bolt is usually around (for fabric) and lots of other nice things to look at.

There is also the ORM about 2 miles up the road on the 14-16th March ... probably slightly better for traders specializing in Roman, Steve Wagstaff will be there with his (rather nice) bits and i assume Peroni would be as well.
Thanks all!
Unfortunately there are only a few Roman traders around at the moment who are based in the UK. Between the 2 market, TORM and The Living History fair you'd see most of them, and they seem to be leveling out in terms of who has the most/best/reputable.
Cloth merchants are good at both, TORM does have Steve Wagstaff, Len Morgan and Peroni for your day to day civilian items and sharp pointy bits but newer traders are slowly starting to appear so it's worth watching the traders lists for both sites, better still if it's feasible, get to both to give yourself the best idea of what's available in both price range and quality. Most will have a mail order service too.
I'll be at The Living History fair if you need any samian ware/oil lamps/mosaics/frescos and possibly TORM but we haven't booked that one yet. The Living History Fair does have the added attraction of the Tournament which involves a bunch of Medieval types hitting each other whilst an appreciative audience bays for blood. :wink:
happy hunting!
Hi Kat,

Armamentaria will definately be at TORM in March 2008. Big Grin

We have lots of pretty things for the ladies now too! :wink:
For materials you can also give Bernie The Bolt a ring. They do a very good range of woolen fabrics in a pretty comprehensive variety of colours. If I remember rightly he does the Living History fair but has sent me sample swatches in between when I've told him roughly what I was after. He doesn't "do the internet" but can be contacted on 0208 502 6790
Well I'm now broke :lol: Got material, leather belt with studs, a ring and some yummy gingerbread which lasted less than five mins Big Grin
Quote:Well I'm now broke :lol: Got material, leather belt with studs, a ring and some yummy gingerbread which lasted less than five mins Big Grin

Which day did you go ? I was there on Sunday Smile
Libitina:2r9j15ps Wrote:Well I'm now broke :lol: Got material, leather belt with studs, a ring and some yummy gingerbread which lasted less than five mins Big Grin

Which day did you go ? I was there on Sunday Smile

Sat afternoon, had to be back down south for a group practice on sun. Was good tho, tons of stuff for muddyevils like me Big Grin
It's always good for muddyevil stuff :lol: (my 'expertise' is the barons wars and wars of the roses era) I got some great medieval books cheap (hint: they always mark down heavy or bulky stuff on the last day, saves them carting it all back home) Hubby got some more stuff for making his arrows, and we bought half a reindeer. We nearly traded our new son for a turkish bow, but resisted the temptation. :wink:
The living history fayre isn't that far from us, only about half an hour's drive, same as TORM.
Quote:It's always good for muddyevil stuff :lol: (my 'expertise' is the barons wars and wars of the roses era) I got some great medieval books cheap (hint: they always mark down heavy or bulky stuff on the last day, saves them carting it all back home) Hubby got some more stuff for making his arrows, and we bought half a reindeer. We nearly traded our new son for a turkish bow, but resisted the temptation. :wink:
The living history fayre isn't that far from us, only about half an hour's drive, same as TORM.

I won't go to TORM. My bank balance won't allow it lol One thing I didn't get that I wanted was a plain linen shift. I'm fussy and like fitted sleeves, not baggy ones with the ties at the cuff and neck. Don't suppose you know anyone online that makes them?
My bank balance won't even allow me to eat at the moment
I'm spending our kids' inheritance now Big Grin

I'll see if I can find out about the linen shifts, do you have a pattern for one already ?
Quote:My bank balance won't even allow me to eat at the moment
I'm spending our kids' inheritance now Big Grin

I'll see if I can find out about the linen shifts, do you have a pattern for one already ?

No I don't have a pattern. I bought one last year that I really liked. Went back to her recently but she was rather rude so will take my pennies elsewhere! Will have a trawl of the net as I won't need another one until Rockingham in May so plenty of time.
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