
Full Version: Books on the battle of Campus Mauriacus 451 AD
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are there any good books available on the battle of Campus Mauriacus (Chalons-sur-Marne) in 451 AD.

I'm looking for good secondary sources (i.e. not Jordanes etc.) relating to this specific battle.

Thanks in advance,
Many years ago I read the italian translation of a book by H. Schreiber
The italian title was "Gli Unni" (the Huns) ISBN 881154885-3
The battle of Chalons (also called Catalaunian Fields, also called Campus Mauriacus) is described in some detail.

I have a very good memory of the book. In restrospect I feel it triggered off my interests in late roman empire.
Hi Goffredo,
thanks for your reply. I do have the Schreiber book in German and indeed it does have a detailed account of this specific battle. Unfortunately the level of detail about the peoples involved does not go further than reference to the major combatants (Romans, Hun, Goths, Gepids, Franks, Alani and Burgundians). I'm especially looking for more information about the smaller contingents that participated (e.g. the Scirii, Liticians, Armoricans, Saxons, Rugii etc.).

I was surprised to find that apparantly there is no book devoted entirely to this major battle.
A good read for the forces at Chalons is Ralf Scharf: Ripari und Olibriones? Zwei Teilnehmer an der Schlacht auf den Katalaunischen Feldern. in MIÖG 107, 1999. p 1-11. He also gives an overview of other thoughts about the forces.
A must-read regarding the huns and also dealing with hunnish society, weapons and tactics is: Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen: Die Welt der Hunnen. Deutsche Übersetzung von Robert Göbl. Wiesbaden 1997.
(Deutsche Erstaufl. 1978
There are many more articles dealing with the battle or works on other themes including references to the battle. But you are right that there is no book about it. Maybe one should include the battle in Ancient Warfare - I would like to do that.
Marwin - be careful with Schreiber. He is not a scientist - which does not mean that he is not a good read, I enjoyed some parts - but take his conclusions with a peace of grain. Sometimes he follows the sources too closely. Sometimes he goes off and connects the cathar with the arian visigoths ... Sad