
Full Version: Where was it Bought?
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I was wondering where were Jewelry, fibula, spoons, knife etc bought at? were there local stores where these, in the Ancient sense mass produced for purchase or were these objects made to order for the individual.
Generally, a lot of houses in the city have one or two rooms, the nearests to the street, rented to shops. In that shops were located the artisans, both making and selling his products. Probably, the artisan makes some products following the fashion of the moment, but with some special orders, make directly by the citizen.

In a modern jewel's shop, you can buy a jewel jet made or comissioned a special one.

The closest paralel is the actual medinas or bazars of the northafrican and neareast cities, where you can see the shop and inside the artisan making the pieces.

The archeology have discovered some of that shops, a lot of them with evidents traces of the product making, with semielaborated products. There are identified some jewel's shop with silver hoards, some bone makers with pre-cuted bones, semielaborated spoons, etc.
