
Full Version: map of Roman world using Google mashup
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Finally, an easy to use beta map generator mashup using Google maps. Very easy to update and publish, but I'm just getting started organizing. Take a look and let me know what you think:

Roman World map
Cool. I think this is a very good idea .
Where's the XIIIIth? Confusedhock:

Good idea Rich
Rich, I'd be happy to add a couple categories to the current map, also based on the Google system.
As well we should. how easy is it to edit that map, Jasper? That is what I like about that click2map editor. It would be better if it allowed layers, and drag/drop of icons between folders (maybe layers are in the plans).
Not as easy as that google mashup thing, but we have a LOT of markers already.
I forgot about that! :oops:

How come the speech boxes are empty Jasper?
I think the website is pretty cool