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Welcome Odysseus!, and you really have a friend at your back-yard!
I live in the same place! :wink:


Really? Where at specifically?

My home is on the Westside of Cleveland right by the Zoo

Quote:Really? Where at specifically?

My home is on the Westside of Cleveland right by the Zoo


Me too at Fulton! :wink:



Excellent. I live on Wichita just off of Pearl.

Wierd. Confusedhock:
Greetings all.Well, it all started with........a game. Rome:Total War to be precise. and the "mod" Rome Total Realism. I was hooked. After many trips to the bookstore (and much rolling of the eyes by my wife :wink: ) I have made a very modest start to a Roman history shelf. As an avid reader I would appreciate any assistance in that area. Currently I have Gibbons, Suetonius, Caesar (Commentaries), Meier (Caesar, a biography), and Jimenez (Caesar against the Celts) no reenactment (yet) but I am working towards it. I am looking forward to conversations with what is sure to be some of the true experts in this field.


You should also get some Turtledove books.
I mean, just for variety.
I did not know he wrote non-fiction about this period. I have read his post Civil War alternate reality novels though.


Thats what I meant.
Every serious history bookshelf should have a couple of books that people see and ask "What the hell is that doing there?"

Okay..I get it. :lol: Considering my lack of organization, you describe my bookshelves to a tee! Between the Sci-Fi mixed with the History, with the occasional cookbook thrown in(by my wife), it is a wonder I can find anything!


Ho man... thats exactly me.

Dune, Caesar, Turtledove, Emeril, and a whole bunch of others.
Plus Im into mythology so i got a lot on that.
Big Grin
well, Harry Turtledove has plenty of Romano-Byzantine fantasy... his series of novels set in Videssos, an alternate-world Byzantium. And an early imperial legion shows up in one set. Plus he has some true historical fiction following the crew of a Greek freighter from Rhodes in the Hellenistic period, starting with Over the Wine-Dark Sea...


I actually just read the Videssos Cycle... up to book 2 at least. That the one with the missing Roman Legion. The first book is called "The Misplaced Legion". I really enjoy them.

Sure they are fake history, but its always fun to ask: "what if?"
Videsos - now that brings back distant memories.. I recall something about a legion vs. cataphracts (the legion somehow always won) and then about forming schiltrons... Like I said, distant memories.


Yeah, they managed to hold their own.
In Videssos they were the only experienced foot soldier group. Everybody was in awe of their work ethic and discipline.

The only reason they ever won the cavalry charges was because of their pila barrages. Turtledove makes sure to make it a little tense when they ran out of pila and got in a little trouble. But an ally cavalry unit saved them, and they ended up working in tandem very effectively.

You should reread them if you have them. They are just fun reads.
Thanks everyone. I am a big fan of "what if?" novels. Plan on making notes of the ones suggested to the bookstore I go!