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Anyone seen the remake of Clash of the Titans yet??
Just saw the trailer, doesnt look bad at all !!

Bushido wa watashi no shuukyou de gozaru.

Katte Kabuto no O wo shimeyo!

Will see it this morning with the family (in 2D) -- full report later tonight after the show (and after the other Easter Day festivities).


David Reinke
Burbank CA
Arigato Gozarimasu Narukami Dono !!

Bushido wa watashi no shuukyou de gozaru.

Katte Kabuto no O wo shimeyo!

Thanks indeed to both - I'm really looking forward to it. I can vivdly remember seeing the 1981 (I think) version and being totally enraptured. I'm sure I wouldn't be now, with the creaky wooden/plastic monsters Confusedhock: 8) Roll on the CGI!
Ben Kane, bestselling author of the Eagles of Rome, Spartacus and Hannibal novels.

Eagles in the Storm released in UK on March 23, 2017.
Aguilas en la tormenta saldra en 2017.
Twitter: @benkaneauthor
Quote:Thanks indeed to both - I'm really looking forward to it. I can vivdly remember seeing the 1981 (I think) version and being totally enraptured. I'm sure I wouldn't be now, with the creaky wooden/plastic monsters Confusedhock: 8) Roll on the CGI!

You know, when I saw the 1981? version, I was amazed at the cranky special effects, I was surprised that Starwars had had no influence beyound Sci-Fi in the Special effects dept... Sad
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
Just returned from the cinema and a matinee showing of the new Clash Of The Titans.

Where to begin...

I should start by saying, for the sake of full disclosure, that I was never a fan of the original. Even though that film was done by the same team that had produced Jason And The Argonauts, I felt they had missed the magic of their earlier effort, and although, as Gaius rightly points out, the special effects in the original Clash seem not to have benefited at all from Star Wars it was also clear, in the case of the mechanical owl Bubo, that the film had indeed been influenced by Star Wars, but in the worst way.

So, for me to say that I enjoyed the new Clash of The Titans more than the old one is not much of a stretch.

A couple of caveats.

Forget history -- this is Ancient Hollywood Greece.
Also, park your Bullfinch's Mythology at the door because it does not apply here.

Mythology has always been used by humans to explain the world around them and in that tradition the film makers are using their own version of mythology to explain the world they have created. Much of this Hollywood Greece is very imaginative (in a good way) and some seems definitely out of place.


There is a long sequence fighting giant scorpions that ends with the band of heros meeting up with and joining forces with a group of scorpion riders that seem more at home in a film like Dune, or The Lord Of The Rings or The Scorpion King.

The Kraken is now bigger and badder than ever (thanks to CGI) and bears a more than passing resemblance to the Rancor monster, at least in terms of the facial features. I had expected something more along the line of a giant squid, but this one works too. (The girls once had a toy of the Kraken from the original film -- we left it behind in Hawai'i as a Garden kami. Wish I had that toy now, they are worth a small fortune on E-Bay.)

*** END ALERT ***

The central thrust of the story is the idea that man no longer needs the gods and is in fact better off without them. This is not a new story concept bay any means and has been used before in many films. It is the struggle that confronts Perseus at every turn -- does he acknowledge his true status as a demi-god and accept the help of the gods, or struggle on to certain defeat but satisfied that he has remained true to his mortal nature. Of course he resolves this by having his cake and eating it too. After all, this is Hollywood Greece and all things are possible.

Sam Worthington seems to be channeling Russell Crowe much more so here than in Avatar. The other actors acquit their roles with workman like grace. Likewise the CGI seems well done and certainly fits the needs of the film -- I can not imagine why or how 3D would enhance this film. To my mind save the money on the ticket price and spend it instead on the popcorn.

With that in mind all in all it is a fairly amusing romp through Greece and I certainly do not feel cheated of my $6.

I must add, and perhaps this is nostalgia talking, but having now seen both versions of Clash, as well as The Lightning Thief, for me the best portrayal of the Olympian gods was in Jason And The Argonauts. The actors not only looked the part, but they had both the arrogance and the irony that seemed right for their characters. (In the new Clash the gods are wearing armor that looks right out of Excalibur :? )


David Reinke
Burbank CA
LOL, good review !!

from what i have seen so far in the trailers etc, the Greek ship looks fair, Medusa is a copy of Stan Winston's famous Medusa, and well indeed the Kraken....

Was there ever a Kraken in Greek Mythology, since when Gandalf (Zeus or Poseidon in this film, dunno..) speaks the words Release the Kraken i thought of this character which would have been better as cast:

[Image: DaveyJones750.jpg]

Will see it, as will i try to see that other Gods and Heroes film of which i do not know the name but in which kids fight the gods....

Bushido wa watashi no shuukyou de gozaru.

Katte Kabuto no O wo shimeyo!

Dooitasimasite Marcus san.

The film you are thinking of is Percy Jackson - The Lightning Thief, which is based upon a series of YA (Young Adult) books. It has been called a Harry Potter set to Greek Mythology.

Not a bad film, though not anything I will make an effort to follow. (The grandson liked it, but then he also liked the new Clash.) Uma Thurman as Medusa was a lot of fun, and generally I like the look of the various gods. They are all, generally speaking, cast younger than those in Clash, or at least they seem so, and of course the author and the film makers have some creative fun putting the gods into modern day America. Las Vegas as the Land of the Lotus Eaters makes perfect sense.

In this one Percy is the son of Poseidon, not Zeus.

As for the Kraken ... Yes, I much preferred the one in Pirates -- more squid like. Indeed the one in water at the gates to the Mines of Moria as envisioned in The Fellowship of the Ring film is more what I would have in mind.

Let us know what you think of the film.

David Reinke
Burbank CA
I think the "Kraken" alludes to the 100-armed ones. No?
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.
Quote:I must add, and perhaps this is nostalgia talking, but having now seen both versions of Clash, as well as The Lightning Thief, for me the best portrayal of the Olympian gods was in Jason And The Argonauts. The actors not only looked the part, but they had both the arrogance and the irony that seemed right for their characters. (In the new Clash the gods are wearing armor that looks right out of Excalibur ) For me at least, in my mind's eye, Queen Hera will always look like Honor Blackman. Besides, she goes to become Pussy Galore. Anyone who can say that name with a straight face is truly a remarkable actor.

Amazing then to think that apart from the obligatory American leads, John Crawford who played in a couple of epics and was also the Walton's Sheriff, some Italians, one Scot and an Irish Zeus and a couple of Children of the British Empire born in Africa (the bearded actors Nigel Green from 'Zulu' and Andrew Faulds who also played Canidius in 'Cleopatra' ), the cast were entirely English! Perhaps that accounts for the arrogance and irony!

On a technical note David both American leads were dubbed into English! Jason by Tim Turner. You would not expect that nowadays.

Like the days of Ancient Greece, the classic British English Actor in epics appears to be a thing of the past with many leading roles now played by actors coming from Scotland or Australia.

By the way my favourite Australian epic actor being Frank Thring! The fact that old Jason is also what it is, is due in no small part to the superb music of Bernard Hermann! Chillingly classic.

"Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream" Edgar Allan Poe.

"Every brush-stroke is torn from my body" The Rebel, Tony Hancock.

"..I sweated in that damn dirty armor....TWENTY YEARS!', Charlton Heston, The Warlord.
maybe at the next golden globe, there will be a a new category like "best actor/actress playing an ancient god/goddess". :wink:
--- Marcus F. ---
Fascinating Graham, I had no idea about the dubbing -- simply amazing, and you are correct, it would not happen today.

You are also correct, the music does add tremendously to Jason And The Argonauts. And of course, the fight with the "Children of the Hydra" is still a great piece of film making.

Nigel Green was excellent as Hercules and letter perfect as the Color Sergeant in Zulu. (Zulu is a favorite of both my wife and my grandson. They even have a Conte playset of the Last Redoubt with plastic 24th Foot and Zulus.)

As for "arrogance & irony" I remember that George Lucas tried to avoid "national" casting on Star Wars but it just ended up with the majority of the Imperial officers being played by British actors while the Rebels were played by Americans. Must have been the Force ... :?


David Reinke
Burbank CA
Speaking of Krakens ...

This link to some of the pre-production art / concept drawings for the "monsters" in the new Clash ... t/gallery/

And an interesting article speculating on the possible "origins" of the creatures that populate Greek mythology. Not sure I buy the idea of the Ancient Greeks being the first paleontologists, but interesting article none the less... ... -monsters/


David Reinke
Burbank CA

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