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Caesarian Camps in Gaul
Hi everyone  Smile

Does anyone have any details on if there are any Caesarian camps that have been excavated in what would have been Gaul? I know that there is some disagreement on the site of Alesia but I have yet to find any other sites from the mid 1st century BC that have either been proven or excavated.

Any help would be greatfully appreciated!  Thanks
(01-11-2017, 12:41 PM)NjDuno Wrote: Hi everyone  Smile

Does anyone have any details on if there are any Caesarian camps that have been excavated in what would have been Gaul?

There appears to be a potential Caesarian camp at Mauchamp near Reims (mentioned here), but aside from the Alesia investigations there doesn't seem to be much else.

If you follow up some of the references in the book linked above you might come across some further possibilities!
Nathan Ross
(01-12-2017, 12:19 PM)Nathan Ross Wrote: There appears to be a potential Caesarian camp at Mauchamp near Reims (mentioned here),

Additional information about this camp can be found here.

Best regards,
I've got some books and articles references in French on the question of Caesar's camps in Gaul.

The archaeology proved that the debate on the location of the site of Alésia is futile. The battle took place at Alise-Sainte-Reine in Bourgogne. The excavations directed by Michel Reddé and Siegmar von Schnurbein in the 1990s' confirmed the location of the 19th century. On Alésia, the reference work is the final publication:

Reddé, Michel et Von Schnurbein, Siegmar, Alésia: fouilles et recherches franco-allemandes sur les travaux militaires romains autour du Mont-Auxois (1991-1997), Paris, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, coll. « Mémoires », t.1 : Les fouilles, t. 2 : Le matériel, 2001

There has also been a lot of excavations at the foot of Gergovie:

Deberge, Yann et Guichard, Vincent, Nouvelles recherches sur les travaux césariens devant Gergovie (1995-1996). Rapport de prospection thématique programmée, Mirefleurs, Clermont-Ferrand, ARAFA/SRA Auvergne, 1999
Deberge, Yann et al., « Nouvelles recherches sur les travaux césariens devant Gergovie (1995-1999) », Revue archéologique du Centre de la France, t. 39, 2000, p. 83-111 (here)
Deberge, Yann et al., « Témoignages de la guerre des Gaules dans le Bassin clermontois, nouveaux apports », Revue archéologique du Centre de la France, t. 54, 2015 (here)

Le Bohec also made a synthesis on the military carrier of Caesar, with a large part dedicated to Gaul :

Le Bohec, Yann, César, chef de guerre : stratégie et tactique de la République romaine, Monaco, Édition du Rocher, coll. « L'art de la guerre », 2001

There are also the Valence's camps :

Conjard Réthoré, Pascale and Ferber, Emmanuel, « Les camps romains du plateau de Lautagne à Valence : état de la question », Revue d'Archéologie Nationale, n°46, 2013, p. 201-220 (here) (and the recent excavations)

(I apologize for my English ^^)
Elliott S.
.... one should not forget the roman camp that blocks the oppidum Hunnenring at Otzenhausen, Germany.
Now firmly dated to the times of Bellum Gallicum. Since it's been build to quell Treveran resistance , I think it fits your needs.

Siggi K.

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