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Bath House, Waddon Hill
Some of you are aware that I have this...some would call it an obsession, others, get out more often....approach and interest in Waddon Hill. A Fort occupied by units of II AVG circa 45 to 65 AD......ish.
Now this site needed a Bath House. My trawling of the internet and items in black and white, books, seem to conclude that little or no effort, at the times of excavations,was made to find the Bath House for this Fort. As this site was occupied for 20 ish years, one would presume washing facilities would be provided.
I shall now present my ideas for the Bath House site etc and reasons. Please Please, anyone with further knowledge of this site or just greater knowledge on Roman Military bath Houses, please correct me or if you can, push me in a direction that I may be able to find more info.
Firstly I present a link I found....
Secondly, pic captures from Google Earth showing, 1, site of Fort in Dorset.
2, pic from 2001
3, pic from 2002
4, pic from 2005 showing nettles/foiliated area
Now the natural geology of nearby Lewesdon Hill provides many springs to transport the water needed to this site.
I shall pop up there again in the Winter months to see if rain and plough has exposed any Tesseria in the area.
All help is greatly appreciated chaps.

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do you ave a local community archaeology project who could do some geophys? it certainly looks worthwhile. if its not scheduled then it should be - there is something in the north field. aslo was the fort built within a hill fort?
Hi Wayne, site is scheduled. I think there is no local interest since the Farmer that owned the land that interacted so well during the excavations in the late 50's/60's, died several years ago. I have heard nothing about the current land owner.
Also I am a good hours travel away from this site.....35 miles, so I cannot interact, or find, any local group that could be interested in this. Im on my own for the moment.
This was built next to, half a mile away, from an Iron Age hill fort but not on one. It is located on top of a hill, very different from the normal Roman setup, but depicted by the topography and logistical and tactical position I think.
Glad you can see the big "maybe" of the Bath House.

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