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Best Roman fiction authors
I have listed all the Roman fiction books mentioned in this forum. Take a look and see what I"ve missed. I was able to find all of the titles at BookFinder.Com<br>
<br> <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX.
ICQ 940236
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
Is it me or has nobody mentioned *Belisarius* by Robert Graves? And what about Gillian Bradshaw - a great and underrated writer (in Britain at least) - her *The Sand Reckoner* is about an artillery designer (chap by the name of Archimedes;-) or *Island of Ghosts* about Sarmatian cavalry at Chesters. Difficult to beat *Beacon at Alexandria* which I think was her first.<br>
Mike Bishop <p></p><i></i>
You know my method. It is founded upon the observance of trifles

Blogging, tweeting, and mapping Hadrian\'s Wall... because it\'s there
Gillian Bradshaw is currently in print for several of those titles, and in the US at Amazon, Borders and others. Count Belisarius is I guess the third of Graves' historical Roman novels, but he was quite prolific with a number of other classical books to his credit. <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX.
ICQ 940236
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
Knee-deep in an ill-advised attempt at a rational analysis of the battle of Carrhae, I've come to the conclusion that my favorite author of Roman fiction is in fact Plutarch.<br>
I recently read Simon Scarrow's "Under the Eagle" and found it to be an excellent read. I actually couldn't put it down!<br>
Does anyone know if he is going to continue with this thread in future books? <p>Marcus Bruttius Romulus<BR>
Legio III Augusta</p><i></i>
Simon himself will tell you since he hangs around here too, but he already has two more in the series and more to come. He has a website<br><br>
which isn't working at the moment. Check this other thread for his thoughts on the next books..<br>
<br> <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX.
ICQ 940236
</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>RichSC</A> at: 5/17/02 12:21:55 am<br></i>
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
There will be at least six books in the series (Headline have commissioned that far into the future) and Cato and Macro will be leaving Britain in book 5 or 6 (it was going to be 5 but I've developed a nice cast of Brit characters I want to keep using). I'd like to get our boys around as much of the empire as possible. Anticipated high spots will be the Iceni revolt, the Boudican revolt, the Jewish Wars, sieges of Jerusalem and Masada and the Civil War of 69 - where a few notables from books one and two loom large.<br>
From the way things are going on the sales front I'd say Macro and Cato are in for long careers with the eagles.<br>
NB Casting thought for Macro: Ray Winstone <p></p><i></i>
Perhaps this is the wrong forum for it, but what the heck...<br>
I am extremely pleased that the series will run long...I thoroughly enjoyed "Under the Eagle" and was really hoping to hear more from you.<br>
Thanks for an outstanding read! <p>Marcus Bruttius Romulus<BR>
Legio III Augusta</p><i></i>
I was reading the past entries on this thread and noticed your old question. The book you are looking for is Eagle in the Snow by Wallace Breem. I found it a good story. Though military details are incorrect for the period and I had a hard time believing that an officer who was a junior leader in 360 AD would be still around commanding a legion in 504 AD I still liked the story very much. One of those, military men of honor struggling to hold back the coming darkness, professionally, effectively and inspiring his men to follow him. <p></p><i></i>
Sorry, in too much of a hurry. 504 AD should be 406 AD <p></p><i></i>
I'm John Maddox Roberts, mentioned above as author of the SPQR mysteries (plug: SPQR VII, THE TRIBUNE'S CURSE will be out sometime in the fall.) I found this forum through Matthew Amt's Legio XX site and It looks like fun. I'll be glad to answer anyone's questions about my books and I promise not to badmouth my fellow author's. Best to everyone,<br>
John <p></p><i></i>
THE John Maddox Roberts!!<br>
I'm addicted to your books and spent countless weeks tracking down the at-that-time out of print SPQR I and II.<br>
So, the question I've been burning to ask is...why do they come out in German first? I'm almost to the point of taking German lessons! <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX. </p><i></i>
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
My original publisher for the series, Avon, canceled them after 4 volumes despite SPQR being nominated for the Edgar Award. This had nothing to do with me. It was the result of a feud between my editor and his boss. In the meantime, they'd become big bestsellers in Germany, so I kept writing them for my German publishers. A couple of years ago, St. Martin's Press brought them out again, but they're still way behind the Germans. SPQR XI: UNDER VESUVIUS, came out recently in German. <p></p><i></i>
Salve! I don't know if I'm worthy to share this board with so many other eminent authors but here I am all the same!<br>
I'd like to invite all members to join the Roman Mysteries News Scroll. If you join, you will be the first to hear news about the Roman Mysteries, a new series of children's historical novels set in the world of Ancient Rome.<br>
You'll also be eligible for competitions, bookplates, prizes and up-to-date news of Roman Mystery author events.<br>
To join, email: [email protected]<br>
leave the subject box blank and put SUBSCRIBE UPDATES in the body of the email.<br>
If you subscribe before 21 September, your name will be put in a draw to win a SIGNED FIRST EDITION of Roman Mystery book four, 'The Assassins of Rome', hot off the press.<br>
Good luck! <br>
Caroline<br> <p></p><i></i>
I already signed up for that one. They may be oriented to children but I've got the whole set with the next ones preordered, so you could say I recommend them.<br>
Thanks to Dr Bishop's recommendations I have a longer list of 'younger' Roman authors to pass on to our primary school Latin classes than I had some months ago, but I always recommend Carolyn's series. <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX. </p><i></i>
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?

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