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How really \'different\' were the Romans?

If you look hard enough to can find similarities between a troop of chimpanzees hunting and human warfare. Cave men were nearly biologically identical to modern man yet no one can argue they weren't very different from us culturally. Same goes for any 2,000 year old culture whether it be Romans or other. The didn't think or act like you because their world, small similarities aside, was unique and alien to our own.

Also plebian doesn't mean poor people. Roman citizens were either patricians (decedents of the original fathers of the city) or plebians (the people, which included everyone else). By the time of Sulla and Caesar the 300-600 man senate was majority plebian. Patrician and plebian do not match rich or poor. They are purely hereditary titles and classifications.

Messages In This Thread
How really \'different\' were the Romans? - by Bryan - 07-12-2014, 09:37 PM
How really \'different\' were the Romans? - by MD - 07-13-2014, 08:36 AM
How really \'different\' were the Romans? - by MD - 07-13-2014, 04:36 PM

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