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Jewish revolt 2
I would like to know what you think about the routing of the first reaction force send by the Roman under the leadership of the governor of Syria to suppres the Jewish revolt. I have always be a bit uneasy about this story... elites forces been made to flight ignominously in face of... in face of what exactly ?<br>
Also, in a previous enquiries of mine about the jewish revolt, you tell me about a book from Rupert Furneaux "The Roman siege of Jerusalem". I would like to know if it is a fictional or historical book, how long is it... in one word how good it is. <p></p><i></i>
Hi, I cann't make a real contribution to your question as I am ignorant of the details but Goldsworthy in his first book (Roman army at war: 100BC-200AD) makes some interesting points on this issue and on this specific case: the romans would immediately send reaction forces counting on the fact that the potential enemies or revolting groups would think twice before starting a fight. They did this even if they weren't really ready. It was a little like bluffing! The romans weren't always READY (as the U.S. Marines are today) in terms of real effectiveness (troop numbers and quality). So, if the enemy or revolters didn't disolve away at the fast approach of a roman reaction force and a real confrontaion did occur, it could very easily happen that the romans get their butts kicked. For a bluff to work repeatedly there has to be some credibility and the romans, with their professional army, perform better than the typical enemy or angry mob. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>goffredo</A> at: 8/29/01 11:22:29 am<br></i>
Jeffery Wyss
"Si vos es non secui of solutio tunc vos es secui of preciptate."
Okay, in a nutshell, the routing of the XII Fulminata at the beginning of the revolt began when the auxiliary garrison of Jerusalem, housed in the Antonia Fortress, were overcome by the Jewish forces, and the fortress taken. The Legate of Syria, Cestius Gallus, marched on Jerusalem at the head of the XII to take back the Antonia and to "sort things out", so to speak. Gallus began a seige of the Antonia, but received word that a large rebel force was on its way to Jerusalem. Fearing that his legion may, in turn, become beseiged by this relief force, Gallus decided to break-off the operation and to retreat to a more secure location untill a more suitable time. From the way Josephus describes it, Gallus' army was in quite a state of disarray while retreating and dumped quite alot of it's baggage, artillery and seige machines in order to move faster, swelling the Jew's arms stockpiles. From all accounts, the XII Legion is said to have been "lost" or "destroyed" as a result of this rout (Josephus puts the Roman dead at 5,300 foot and 330 horse) but, strangely, reappears towards the end of the revolt.<br>
Was this a good or bad decision on Gallus' part? Hard to say without knowing more about this fast approaching Jewish relief force. As we all know, a routed army, panicked and disorganized, is easy prey. One thing we know for sure (or, at least what Josephus tells us) is that Gallus was no J. Caesar, and this engagement was no Alesia. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>The Caesarion Section</A> at: 8/30/01 5:44:53 am<br></i>
Centurion: Highness, the Jews are revolting!<br>
Pilate: Yes...I know... <p><br><br><i><b>Your acceptance of me is not the lynchpin of my happiness.</i></b></p><i></i>
Oy vey!<br>
Allectus <p></p><i></i>
E EM <p><br><br><i><b>Your acceptance of me is not the lynchpin of my happiness.</i></b></p><i></i>

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