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The largest European prehistoric settlement

The settlement is a huge one (for that era) spreading across 1772 ha or nearly 6 km across from a side to another. It reaches is biggest limit in Bronze age and suffered heavy destructions around that time.

It was more then probably the capital of some "state/kingdom" from this area back then. Is not the only such settlement discovered around but is the biggest one until now, with his real dimenssions grasped just from the air.

My opinion is that its destruction is related with the movement of people at the end of Bronze Age and with the spread of Urnfield culture which have its origins here, around Carpathian basin.
A religious change ocured very probably, with imposing of cremation over inhumation, then the bearers of that culture spread in all directions, probably after internal wars in that unknow kingdom (inhabited more then probably by proto-Thracians, who already started to be distinguished archaelogically as distinct culture).

This is proved as well by the spread of Naue 2 swords developed first in this same area, and to formation of warrior invasion or migrating groups who will destroy Micene civilization and Hittie empire and will provoke the wave of so called "sea people".
Some say that another migration wave starting from here reached Italia peninsula where is know as Villanova culture, and those was actually the Latin's ancestors
Razvan A.

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