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The Simpsons
DEAR GOD LET IT END!!! I just watched the Treehouse of Horror XVII and it was the stupidest episode I've ever seen and given how bad the show's been for the last 6 or 7 years, that's saying something! It's so sad when people just don't know how to quit while they're ahead...
See FABRICA ROMANORVM Recreations in the Marketplace for custom helmets, armour, swords and more!
Quite true , The Simpsons is not what it use to be , ah , the halsion days are gone.

Who can forget the show w/ Homer's guardian angel aka Colonel Klink , or the first treehouse of horror doing a parody of the Twilight Zone's "To Serve Man"

Its sad its not what it was as I considered it one of the funnier shows on television......
Gaius Germanicus / aka A. Ingoglia
On the other hand his other show Futurama is probably the funniest show on tv.

It has great cutting edge humor w/ lots of pop culture references that go by faster than light speed..

Professor Hubert Farnsworth and Dr Zoiberg are hilarious and guest stars Zap Branagan and Kip put Kirk and Spock to shame...

Good to hear the show has been resurrected and 12 new episodes will be popping up in a year...
Gaius Germanicus / aka A. Ingoglia
Have you ever seen Family Guy? Honestly, it's priceless.
Dave Bell/Secvndvs

[Image: comitatus.jpg]

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I have a box with the 2º serie, but only saw one episode (the one when Gus burried the last movie of Mel Gibson).
Quote:DEAR GOD LET IT END!!! I just watched the Treehouse of Horror XVII and it was the stupidest episode I've ever seen and given how bad the show's been for the last 6 or 7 years, that's saying something! It's so sad when people just don't know how to quit while they're ahead...

I tried to watch it but got called away by a phone call. After reading you post, I guess I didn’t miss much, thanks.
Quote:Quite true , The Simpsons is not what it use to be , ah , the halsion days are gone.

Who can forget the show w/ Homer's guardian angel aka Colonel Klink , or the first treehouse of horror doing a parody of the Twilight Zone's "To Serve Man"

Its sad its not what it was as I considered it one of the funnier shows on television......

The Colonel Klink episode was a true classic.

Or how about James Earl Jones reading The Raven -- funny bits to be sure.

Last night's Homer as the Blob was amusing, but overall the Treehouse was rather bare this year.

Futurama was always more subversive and consequently funnier still. Good to hear that it is making a comeback, limited though that might be.

David Reinke
Burbank CA
Oh I agree completely- Futurama was, no pun intended, light years ahead of The Simpsons, and Family Guy is just HYSTERICAL. Apparently they're actually producing 13 new Futurama episodes now- FINALLY- so we have that to look forward to Big Grin Bender rules!

I just love 'Dial Z for Zombie':- "Did you wreck the car?" "No." "Did you raise the dead?" "Yeah." "But the car's okay?" :lol: "Dad, you killed the zombie Flanders!" "He was a zombie?" :lol: And of course nothing can ever beat "The Shinning"- "No beer and no TV make Homer something, something..." "Go crazy?" "Don't mind if I do!" :lol: "Urge to kill rising..."
See FABRICA ROMANORVM Recreations in the Marketplace for custom helmets, armour, swords and more!
Quote:Bender rules!
No! NOOOO! Zoidberg is afoot!
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.
I have been watching the Simpsons for years, and yes, it seems less funny. But it may not be the material, it may be that "life imitates art" in a wierd way. I does seem the Simpsons is more like a documentary, instead of satire, which means we are all going down hill. And it gets alarming when you can't tell the show from the campaign ads. Thank [insert favorite divinity here] the election will be over tomorrow. I can turn on the TV again and reconnect the phone.

Ralph Izard
I agree Simpsons just doesn't have the pizaazz it once did. Some of the writing is inherently good and sharp, but I think it's something with the delivery, or perhaps timing with current events, it's just not hitting the mark anymore.

I do believe that the moment the Simpsons Movie comes out, the TV show will finally shut down. I can't back it up, but I have a hunch that Matt Groenig indicated years ago that if he ever got caught making a Simpsons movie, that it would have killed the idea/monster of the TV series. So perhaps this will be the last hurrah.

Of course, Futurama is really killer. Family Guy does have it's moments (for me anyway). I think it was very smart to bring back both. I think American Dad is trying to beat a dead horse, although the idea of Patrick Stewart as a CIA head honcho is absolutely brilliant.

I hope that Futurama will take the place of Simpsons and run harder/faster/more intense.

Robot Chicken, although not a "cartoon", I think is really making strides...Much like Family Guy, it can be hit or miss, but when it hits, Hoo boy!
Andy Volpe
"Build a time machine, it would make this [hobby] a lot easier."
Legion III Cyrenaica ~ New England U.S.
Higgins Armory Museum 1931-2013 (worked there 2001-2013)
(Collection moved to Worcester Art Museum)
Quote:Have you ever seen Family Guy? Honestly, it's priceless.

It seems to be a show created on the principle of "How much anti-gay humor can you pack into 30 minutes!"
Theodoros of Smyrna (Byzantine name)
aka Travis Lee Clark (21st C. American name)

Moderator, RAT

Rules for RAT:
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Oh! and the Toledo helmet .... oh hell, forget it. :? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" />:?
Quote:Bender rules!
No! NOOOO! Zoidberg is afoot!

Bist du verrükt?! :lol: Zoidberg? HE'S a Bender fan himself :lol: He's always saying to himself 'What would the robot do?' :wink:

My main issue with the Simpsons is that seem to have run out of good jokes years ago- the ones they have now just don't make any sense or are the least bit funny; I mean how is it amusing for Chief Wiggum to tell his men that their guns are obviously of no use against the aliens so they should throw them in the lake- then they should push the police car in the lake, but wait- after it sinks- did they get his sweater out of the front seat first? Yes? No? so one goes after it... That's a joke? And they're ALL like that :lol: Just weird... and not out there funny weird... just makes no sense where the hell did that come from weird. It's so sad...

And the anti-gay humor is South Park- not Family Guy Travis :lol: Then again South Park shoots at EVERYONE, which is part of the show's charm :wink:
See FABRICA ROMANORVM Recreations in the Marketplace for custom helmets, armour, swords and more!
caiustarquitius:2e27w15t Wrote:And the anti-gay humor is South Park- not Family Guy Travis :lol: Then again South Park shoots at EVERYONE, which is part of the show's charm :wink:

I don't watch southpark, so I guess that's TWO shows with anti-gay humor. :roll:

(This is where Jenny comes in and links this thread back up to the Roman Erotica thread and makes some snarky comment about
Theodoros of Smyrna (Byzantine name)
aka Travis Lee Clark (21st C. American name)

Moderator, RAT

Rules for RAT:
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Oh! and the Toledo helmet .... oh hell, forget it. :? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" />:?
Honestly, I wouldn't really call either one 'anti-gay humor' because they do poke fun at everyone- why should homosexuals be excluded? Wouldn't that be discrimination? :lol: And to be honest, I've never seen Family Guy that way... I can't think of any particular jokes save for Peter's old boss Mr. Weed and that wasn hardly 'anti-gay'...
See FABRICA ROMANORVM Recreations in the Marketplace for custom helmets, armour, swords and more!

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