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Imp. Gallic Bronze helmet from Sexaginta Prista
(11-25-2016, 07:36 PM)Rado Wrote: After a long delay I am again transferred over this project. The body is already wholly ready and I am prepared to complete the helmet. I will have to make some holes for the rivets and to cut ear apertures.
 When I did my research on Weisenau model helmets (in generally ) I came across a atypical find . A helmet of this model which is produced and used without being made openings for ears and mounted ear protectors. This helmet from Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn, Inv. D.66.  found in Köln-Mülheim (Cologne) from the river Rhine.jho explain this helmet in the old post.
Even there is no allusion of such openings for ears and mounted ear protectors on this model from LVR-Landesmuseum Bonn.
A very basic model! Whether so basic were coming out of the workshops or master did not have time to finish it completely? Or maybe the additional as extras is extra charge consequences and installed from the owner of the helmet ,we can only guess. I just noticed that my preparation model looks like (in this primary form) this museum exhibit.

(12-01-2016, 09:19 PM)Nathan Ross Wrote: I'm certainly no helmet expert, but it looks superb, Rado - well done!

Is there any more info on a possible dating for this one, or is it just 'generally 1st century'?
 Thank you for the kind words  Nathan! I know that my work is not perfect but I'm proud that I was the first to make a replica of this not so popular helmet. There are quite unclear about this helmet as very few publications. Here is a quote from Elka Peeva  from National History Museum Department of Archaeology
This legionary helmet is a precious piece of the Roman defensive military equipment and
belongs to the well-attested Weisenau helmet type14 . It is the only representative of this kind
found in Bulgaria to date. However, it finds analogue to several helmets of the same type from
Western Europe15 . Two of them are precisely dated – the Mainz helmet with the name of the
owner inscribed on the neck-guard16 and the Aquincum helmet 17 . The Weisenau helmet originates from the Celtic armour (1st century BC) and had experienced certain development before it was first recorded as such in Emperor Augustus’ time. It is well-known that the Weisenau type helmet was kept in use during the 1st century AD. The uncertain circumstances and the unknown
provenance our helmet appeared at cannot help its precise dating in any way. If it was
really found in the area of Ruse, ancient Sexaginta Prista18 , one could explain its appearance
there by several reasons19 . The belonging of the helmet to the Fifth Macedonian legion20 can help us to establish a more precise date for its use. Legio V Macedonica was stationed in Oescus throughout the first century (Ritterling 1925, 1573- 1576) except for the years 62-71 AD, when the
legion was sent to the east, where it took part inseveral campaigns21 .
The legion took part in the Dacian wars of Domitian (85-88 AD) and Trajan (101-102, 105-106 AD), and during or after the Second Dacian war of Emperor Trajan was transferred to Troesmis (modern Iglia, Romania), most probably in 107 AD22 . Since the helmet was found in Bulgaria, its use should
have as a terminus ante quem the time when legio V Macedonica left Lower Moesia for its new base in Troesmis. Therefore, we are inclined to set the period of use of this legionary helmet between 71 and 107 AD.

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Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Imp. Gallic Bronze helmet from Sexaginta Prista - by Rado - 12-02-2016, 06:52 PM

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