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Rome\'s Easter Parade
This sounds extraordinary...for those of us who can't be there, could someone post some photos?<br><br>
Sunday 18 april 2004<br>
•&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (morning) Prestigious parade of the Roman Legionaries along the “Via Fori Imperialiâ€ÂÂ
Hi there<br>
I will be there with camera in hand ... I will have to have a moan as well because they have missed us off the list of those attending.<br>
All the best <p>Graham Ashford
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If they all show up isn't that almost a cohort? I didn't know that the Antonine's had 100 members! There must be some civilians in those numbers? <p>Legio XX<br>
Fortius Conamur<br>
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?
Several of the groups don't have that many members, but they are the organizers for smaller groups in their region that "brigade" with the groups that are invited. Also, wives, children, and male "civilian" impressions are usually included in those numbers.<br>
Hi all,<br>
Graham Sumner has asked me to post this:<br>
Rome Easter Parade<br>
I would just like to point out that The Ermine Street Guard will not be attending the Rome Easter Parade as advertised on this website. In fact when the programme was highlighted on RAT this was the first I knew about the event and it was certainly news to the rest of the Guard that the society itself was supposed to be involved.<br>
Those interested in the actual Guard programme for 2004 can visit the Guard website at for further details.<br>
Graham <p></p><i></i>
It\'s all an accident, an accident of hands. Mine, others, all without mind, from one extreme to another, but neither works nor will ever.

Rolf Steiner
Thanks for that bit of infor Graham, what a relief <p></p><i></i>
I think Ferox's original list had Legio XIIII (UK) in that position. Oh dear, I think someone's calling us "The Ermine Street Guard" again. I suggest that that person refers to colour photos rather than black and white.<br>
Thanks Graham for your observation.<br>
Crispvs <p></p><i></i>
Who is called \'\'Paul\'\' by no-one other than his wife, parents and brothers.  :!: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" />:!:

<a class="postlink" href="">
I would say that the number of Soldiers in the UK roman groups going to this event will about 20% of the numbers they are quoting. There aren't more than 100 correctly equiped roman solders in the UK and as the Guard isn't coming there is no way you will get more than 40 soldiers from the UK.<br>
I heard that the ESG invited the antonian Guard to do a Job in Spain and about 12 members came along on the trip but this only resulted in 2 to 3 extra soldiers on the display field by the time you took off family members and civilains<br>
if the other roman groups are exagerating their numbers ( I hope they are not)the show won't be nearly as good as the numbers shown indercate which would be a shame.<br>
when I say correctly equipped roman soldiers I am not refering to any UK roman re-enactor group. I am refering to non re-enactors who dress up as romans. <p></p><i></i>
Bernard Jacobs
Any opinion stated is genally not the opinion of My group or Centurian
Hi Alus,<br>
part of the solution to your problem may be the fact that there are non-Uk members of UK groups. i know e.g. for a fact that II Augusta has several Dutch mebers who will also attend.<br>
Valerius/Robert <p></p><i></i>
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Hello all<br>
I agree I think that this list is a very old wish list from a while ago and doesn't actually represent much of what is happening. As Graham said the ESG isn't going to be there, unless that was a misidentification and I think at last count about 80 people are attending from [url=" target="top]LEG II AVG[/url] as well as our meagre 6 or so from [url=" target="top]Ludus Gladiatorius[/url].<br>
This is always p roblem with publishing lists like this, they are so fluid. Hopefully it will still be fun, I will post some pics when we get back, we might even get a chance to fight in the Ludus Magnus which would be a great opportunity.<br>
All the best <p>Graham Ashford
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"There aren't more than 100 correctly equiped roman solders in the UK and as the Guard isn't coming there is no way you will get more than 40 soldiers from the UK."<br>
Actually there are over 50 UK soldiers bound for Rome, with many more civillians (though the numbers at the start of the thread are of course fantasy!)<br>
Once you count all the groups in the UK id reckon there is at least double the amount of reasonably kitted soldiers (eg the ESG, Leg 14, Leg 2, Leg 8, Colchesters, Antonines, plus various late Romans (quinta, brittannia) and a welcome number of newer groups, ie Vicus, Isca contubernium, Deva Victrix)<br>
As to wether you consider any or all of these true reenactors or properly kitted is purely subjective, in my opinion. To quote Dan, "The more the merrier"<br>
There is a party of 20 attending from the RMRS Leg XIIII GMV, 16 soldiers and 4 civilians <p></p><i></i>
Avete fratres.<br>
I followed paying lot of attention to this discussion and i found it really fun.<br>
I mean, it seems that people consider this extraordinary event according to how many soldiers and civilians will be there.<br>
First i have to state that that list is really old and in fact shows the groups we liked to invite.<br>
I posted some weeks ago the real list and that was different.<br>
I'm sorry for Graham, i met with David Richardson and Steven Cockings to plan their coming and accommodation in Rome and i got the point of the mistake. David explained me about the coming of other groups with Legio II Augusta, i mean Colchester, Ludus Gladiatorius, Legio XIIII and Antonine Guard. I didnt know this untill that moment.<br>
that's why they were not on the list, i begged pardon to Graham and Co.<br>
Here follows the real list and, for those who think it will be a little parade with a handfull of soldiers, i suggest to follow BBC in England, RTL in Germany, NHK in Japan, ABC and CBS in USA, F1 in France, and so on ( i dont remember all of them) to watch the report of the event.<br>
Gruppo Storico Romano<br>
Scuola Gladiatori Roma<br>
Legio XI Claudia<br>
Legio II Augusta<br>
Legio XIIII Gemina<br>
Colchester Roman Society<br>
The Antonine Guard<br>
Ludus Gladiatorius<br>
Legio VIII Augusta<br>
Legio V Alaudae<br>
Group "Leuki"<br>
Group "Ambiani"<br>
Legio I Italica<br>
Legio XXII<br>
Legio I MPF<br>
Legio I<br>
Hostilia Vicus Imperialis<br>
Group Cave<br>
Group VACONE<br>
Familia Gladiatoria Pannonica<br>
Group "Musica Romana"<br>
Group "Gruppo Danze Antiche"<br>
around 700 people (soldiers, gladiators, civilians, musicians and dancers).<br>
For any further questions all the members are kindly requested to contact directly me, as i'm the organizer and maybe the only one who knows exactly what's going on...<br>
My really best wishes to all of you and hope to guest you in next year's parade.<br>
ah, i was forgetting...<br>
For that man who says we use our name and dress up people found in the street just to increase the number of people involved, i just reply that we don't use to do this, but some friends of him, in a event not far from Rome; where there were NATO soldiers payed and dressed up as roman soldiers. Everyone has his own event, better not to speak about the others when you don't know.<br>
Giorgio Franchetti<br>
Head of Press Office in charge of GSR<br>
Committee's Coordinator for 21st april event<br>
Hi Giorgino<br>
My son and I are members of the Leg XIIII GMV and are coming out for the parade. All I can say is that we are really looking forward to this event. Let all the wingers and moaners winge and moan but we will have a great time <br>
Thanks mate<br>
Marinus & Lupos <p></p><i></i>
I've been pressganged into joining the ranks of the military for the parade but I intend to enjoy myself too.I'll be setting up some of the mosaic display also so if anyone from any other group is interested in starting up anything similar for themselves come along and say hello and I'll give you any advice I can.It's just for the Sunday after the parade and as far as I know we're set up in the beer garden of a local restaurant<br>
See you next week<br>
Lawrence Payne

Asking me to tile your bathroom is like asking Vermeer to creosote your shed ;-)

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