Verlinden models, please! - Printable Version

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Verlinden models, please! - Praefectusclassis - 07-31-2001

Jenny, come on, just when I'm transferring my modelling from WWII to the Ancient World, I still get haunted by this Bill Gates of miniature modelling!<br>

Re: Verlinden models, please! - Anonymous - 08-01-2001

Salve Jasper,<br>
Verlinden's not so bad...I have their 120mm RomanCenturion and Legionair, both excellent figures.<br>
Also, still do WWII models, armor and aircraft. No reason to<br>
give up one period for another. Currently building a<br>
P-47 "razorback" in 1/48th by Hasegawa.<br>
Bene Vale,<br>
Allectus <p></p><i></i>

Re: Verlinden models, please! - Praefectusclassis - 08-01-2001

No their Romans, as far as I can see, are quite okay, but especially for the newer, modern stuff: there's some crap there!<br>
Jasper <p></p><i></i>

Re: Verlinden models, please! - Anonymous - 08-01-2001

Salve Jasper,<br>
As they say, buyer beware. Lots of competition in resin these<br>
days and really no excuse for poor products. I've had good<br>
luck with "Cutting Edge" and "Black Box" among others...<br>
Which after market resin companies do you like best?<br>
Bene vale,<br>
Allectus <p></p><i></i>

Re: Verlinden models, please! - Anonymous - 08-01-2001

Is Verlinden the company that makes the Roman soldier standing of the dead Gaul? If it is, I like their ancient history stuff. I'm afraid to get it, though. My modeling skills rank right up there with my butter churning skills.<br>
I love modeling more than butter churning, though... <p><br><i>SI HOC LEGERE POTES, OPERIS BONI IN REBVS LATINIS FRVCTVOSIS POTIRI POTES.</i></p><i></i>

Re: Verlinden models, please! - Praefectusclassis - 08-01-2001

I don't know these companies your naming, perhaps they only market their stuff in the US? For my WWII models, I often used hornet/wolf models for figs/heads, the exceedingly complicated etched sets by Aber, Jordi rubio gunbarrels and the like.<br>
For Romans, I'm now (well, just about the last year, hardly ever seem to get to it) buidling some figures by Pegaso and Andrea, both 54mm models. Great detail on those.<br>
Do you know any other modelmakers of 1/35, 1/32 or 54mm figures that make good ancients?<br>
These 120mm Verlinden models aren't overly complicated. They consist of some 10 to 20 parts in resin, all with rather large pouring blocks. Have you ever worked with Resin? Verlinden 120mm series models are not a bad way to learn, just take some precautions against the dust and keep yourself to building out of the box, don't try to correct any historical mistakes.<br>
Jasper <p></p><i></i>

Re: Verlinden models, please! - Anonymous - 08-01-2001

I'm not worried about the resin so much, Jasper. It's the painting...I can't seem to "stay in the lines". <p><br><i>SI HOC LEGERE POTES, OPERIS BONI IN REBVS LATINIS FRVCTVOSIS POTIRI POTES.</i></p><i></i>

Re: Verlinden models, please! - Praefectusclassis - 08-01-2001

There's only one cure for that Marius: good tools, paints and a lot of practice! If you're that worried, why not by a box of 1/32 Hardplastic Romans? Stay in period and if you're not happy, no problem! Then again, detail and accuracy are probably problematic.<br>
Jasper <p></p><i></i>

Re: Verlinden models, please! - Anonymous - 08-01-2001

Thanks, Jasper. I'll see if I can find some plastic ones. <p><br><i>SI HOC LEGERE POTES, OPERIS BONI IN REBVS LATINIS FRVCTVOSIS POTIRI POTES.</i></p><i></i>

Re: Verlinden models, please! - JRSCline - 08-01-2001

I keep waiting for Tamiya to branch out beyond WWII, but if it hasn't happened since I was 13 and bought my first Tamiya kit (a PzKw IV Ausf H), it isn't going to happen, I guess! They make some beautiful 1/35 scale figures.<br>
J. <p></p><i></i>

Re: Verlinden models, please! - Praefectusclassis - 08-01-2001

Nah, I like Dragon figures way better. I hope they branch out, whooah, every month a new set of ancients, that would be cool!<br>

Re: Verlinden models, please! - Anonymous - 08-01-2001

Military-wise I started out on Tamiya's modern American infantry soldiers when I was stationed in Panama. I made a nifty little Desert Storm diorama that I gave my squad leader when I came back to The World. He spilled some ice cream on it at my going away party, so we renamed it Dessert Shield. E EM <p><br><i>SI HOC LEGERE POTES, OPERIS BONI IN REBVS LATINIS FRVCTVOSIS POTIRI POTES.</i></p><i></i>

URLs - Catiline - 08-01-2001

do we have any URLs for these companies people. I'm crash hot on where to get wargaming miniatures of Romans and the like, but i stick to 28mm as a rule. All the 54s I've ever seen are frankly crappy toy soldier types. It'd be good to have a couple of decent 54mm dust collectors though. <p></p><i></i>

Re: URLs - Anonymous - 08-01-2001

The only ones I've seen that I liked that didn't cost an arm and a leg were at gaming shops. I usually pick up my miniatures at Game Empire.<br>
It's amazing how much the sappers look like engineers... <p><br><i>SI HOC LEGERE POTES, OPERIS BONI IN REBVS LATINIS FRVCTVOSIS POTIRI POTES.</i></p><i></i>

54mm Romans - Praefectusclassis - 08-01-2001

Have a look here Catiline:<br><br> (apart from 54mm, they do a large series of 30mm romans)<br><br>
You can get them at historex models:<br><br>
All of them put together:<br><br>
Cool! <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Jasper Oorthuys</A> at: 8/1/01 7:58:07 pm<br></i>