NEW RECRUITS - Printable Version

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a Newcomer - TIBISIVS - 01-25-2004

My name is QVINTVS MARCIVS TIBISIVS, re-enactor from the LEGIO VII GEMINA in Tarragona, Catalonia.<br>
VALETE OMNES! <p></p><i></i>

Re: New Recruits - aitor iriarte - 01-25-2004

Salve Quintus,<br>
We've surely met at TÃ rraco Viva and even at Zaragoza last year.<br>
I look forward to meet you again this year!<br>
Aitor <p></p><i></i>

Im new here - Anonymous - 01-25-2004

guess Im a recruit<br>
Im a history student and have run into conflicting information on the composition of the leigons.<br>
I have been a reinactor in the SCA but health and family issues have put a stop to that at this time. (I still have all the stuff to go anytime)<br>
the dragon lady <p></p><i></i>

Re: Im new here - Jeroen Pelgrom - 01-26-2004

welcome seanamhair nathair sgiathach,<br>
feel free to ask questions here!<br>
<p>Volo anaticulam cumminosam meam!</p><i></i>

Re: New Recruits - Anonymous - 01-29-2004

Hello, My name is Sean Pieretti. I am a huge Romanophile! Especially the Empire years! I have a history degree and due to my part-Italian Ancestory I have been interested in the Roman Army from an early age(I am 33 currently). I am also interested in Polish history as that is also my ancestory from my mother's side. Its how me and all my brothers received Irish first names!<br>
I was able to get Augustus for my 1rst son's middle name but was shot down for my second son's name(wanted Marcus Aurelius) who is currently 5 weeks old! Just want to say this is a great site. Just started William Altimari's book legion which is an excellent read so far! <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>AUGUSTUSAM</A> at: 1/29/04 6:43 pm<br></i>

Re: Im new here - JRSCline - 01-29-2004

Well, Bill Altimari is a member here so you'll probably run into him sooner or later.<br>
Enjoy the forums and welcome!<br>
Jenny <p></p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Anonymous - 02-09-2004

Hello All,<br>
Finally made it to your site!, heard lots of good things<br>
I am from Central Illinois, and would like to attend, or participate in any events close by.<br>
I am a Late Roman re-enactor since about 1994, and am finally thouroughly kitted out~ but still learning! I am also interested in going Imperial! I am starting to look for kit items. I am NOT S.C.A., I am into authenticity! I also Do living history for any American theatere from 1680 to 1944.<br>
Regards, Marc <p></p><i></i>

New Recruit - Anonymous - 02-16-2004

I'm from the Channel Island of Jersey (a British Crown Dependancy about 15 miles of the north coast of France, for the many who won't know where this is).<br>
I've been interested in Rome for many years as part of a general interest in history, particularly military history.<br>
I'm posting at really just as a way of getting in touch with like minded people, and also to ask questions when they should crop up.<br>
I'm currently doing a degree in history (second year of three at the moment) though unfortunately the course doesn't go back further than Charlemagne. I am currently studying (medieval) latin. So, my interest in the Roman Army is more of a hobby. I would like to re-enact eventually, though that will have to wait until I'm settled somewhere with a group in easy reach, and I'm earning something so I can pay for my equipment <p></p><i></i>

Re: Im new here - TITVS SABATINVS AQVILIVS - 02-17-2004

welcome aboard! If you love the roman mlitary world, this is THE place.<br>
Titus Sabatinus Aquilius <p></p><i></i>

New guy - Anonymous - 02-23-2004

I am new to the Roman re enacting world and was wondering if there were any units near Eastern Missouri, say around St. Louis? or if there was anyone that was thinking of starting a unit. I plan to do a legionaire impression.<br>
Strabo <p></p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Anonymous - 02-28-2004

I'm from Rome and my interest for ancient Rome started long before I care to remember since I grew up surrounded by the ruins and remains of it's great civilization.<br>
I always dreamed and wondered where we would be today if it had developed and progressed to the present day.<br>
Unfortunately, we could'nt hold our ground and the rest is history.<br>
I do not belong to any re-enactment group, but I have made a feeble and historically inaccurate attempt at creating a Roman micro nation on the web.<br>
I am very glad to have found this group and look froward to taking part in these interesting discussions that I have seen on your forum.<br>
Quintus Caius Aurelius <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Quintus Caius Aurelius</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 2/29/04 12:02 am<br></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - richsc - 02-29-2004

Salvete Strabo and Quintus! I can't say I've heard of any Romans in the Missouri area; folks? Strabo, if you havent' already run across it, try the Legio XX website for starters: with a wealth of info for new folks.<br>
Quintus, can you give us the URL for your work? <p>Legio XX<br>
Fortius Conamur<br>
</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>RichSC</A> at: 2/29/04 3:52 am<br></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Anonymous - 02-29-2004

Ave Fortius!<br>
Yes of course.<br>
<br> <br>
Please bear in mind that this is Rome from a nostalgic's point of view. One who cannot come to terms with the way history ran it's course. Actually I'm quite ashamed about the way my country fails to render it's Roman past justice & prefers to concentrate on it's medieval & religious assets.<br>
Quintus Caius <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Quintus Caius Aurelius</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 2/29/04 2:21 pm<br></i>

Hola Laietanus. - TIBISIVS - 02-29-2004

Hola Laietanus!!<br>
Sóc un company de feina, actualment destinat a Badalona.<br>
Formo part de la Legio VII Gemina de Tarraco.<br>
Per si no ens coneixes la nostra pagina web és .
Som els organitzadors de les Jornades de Reconstrucció Històrica, TARRACO VIVA que es desenvolupen l'últim cap de setmana de Maig, de fa ja cinc anys.<br>
Si vols contactar amb mi per quedar i parlar algun dia d'aquets la meva adreça de correu és [email protected] . i el meu teléfon és el 667539253.<br>
Valete Laietanus espero la teva trucada.<br>
Marcivs Tibisivs<br>
Leg VII Gemina Felix<br> <br>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Flavius - 03-01-2004

Salue Quintus,<br>
welcome aboard to RAT!<br>
Here you will find all you are looking for, and much more!<br>
I'm roman "from Rome" like you and I reenact together with other friends in the Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix here in Rome.<br>
Feel free to come and visit us to:<br><br>
Optime vale. <p>---------<br>
Fecisti patriam diversis gentibus unam;<br>
profuit iniustis te dominante capi;<br>
dumque offers victis proprii consortia iuris,<br>
Urbem fecisti, quod prius orbis erat.<br>
(Rutilius Namatianus - De Reditu Suo, I, 63-66) </p><i></i>