Graham\'s Gladiatiors - Printable Version

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Re: Graham\'s Gladiatiors - Conal - 10-04-2007

"If I'm mistaken please tell me, but the classification of the helemt finds comes from caomparisons to artistic representations. Or is there another source?
I accept that the griffon emlem has not been found in relation to any other gladiator, but it does not appear to be universal with Thracians. Therefore could it perhaps have some other conotation?"

You are not mistaken. What I am saying is that just like on Trajans column some artists get it wrong in doing an exact rendering and miss off the Griffin. Even knowledgeable people can put a high leg grieve on the right leg of a Secutor :roll: On the evidence I have seen I would be loathe to accept that one could construe another connotation as after all when it is shown it is in relation to a Thraex ... but ... I am open to suggestions.

"Perhaps the phrase telegraphing is overstating it, but the original suggestion inferred that gladiators fought like legionaries remaining tucked in behind their shields, not reaching out beyond the shileds with their waepons and keeping their arms down. This type of combat bores an audience now and it would have bored one then"

I belive that they did tuck in and that the interest was privided by the contrast between (a) the differently equiped "Thraex/Murmillo" "Secutor/Retiarius" "Thraex/Hoplo" etc and (b) the identically equiped ones "Essedarius" "Equites".

Of course one must attack as well as defend or someone will be pricking you with a hot iron :wink: so there is room for getting out of shape.

"An audience at an amphitheratre 'sophisticated'? purlease!!"

Surley in the martial arts at least Sad

Re: Graham\'s Gladiatiors - Marcus Caecilius Avitus - 10-04-2007

Quote:You are not mistaken. What I am saying is that just like on Trajans column some artists get it wrong in doing an exact rendering and miss off the Griffin. Even knowledgeable people can put a high leg grieve on the right leg of a Secutor

This poses a problem. Which are we to accept as being correct and which are we to discount as wrong? :?

Re: Graham\'s Gladiatiors - Conal - 10-04-2007

Quote:You are not mistaken. What I am saying is that just like on Trajans column some artists get it wrong in doing an exact rendering and miss off the Griffin. Even knowledgeable people can put a high leg grieve on the right leg of a Secutor

This poses a problem. Which are we to accept as being correct and which are we to discount as wrong? :?

We cross reference as many sources as possible, analyse and hope we can arrive at a consensus. It isn't ever going to be perfect and the Griffin motief is a case in point.... at least it keeps us debating, which is a good thing.

As for ongoing studies, I haven't yet done my analysis of who is shown winning most often when pairs are shown and a victor is obvious ... but I will ... how sad am I :roll: