Aitor Alert! Manuballista found! - Printable Version

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Re: horsehair - Anonymous - 02-25-2005

Another question for our specialists: there are references to women given their hair to fit the machines during certain sieges and I vaguely remember reading something about the exceptional stretching quality of hair, animal or human. You seem to imply that actually hair was not so good for the torsion springs?<br>
And the IInd C BC find of a modioli is finally only logical. I suppose that once the hellenistic engineers got the system right and the right calculations for the calibers, they logically went for bigger, but also for smaller machines.<br>
I'll leave the specialists answer the question about power and accuracy. All I've read about it is that these weapons are both impressively powerful and amazingly accurate. <p></p><i></i>

Re: horsehair - John M McDermott - 02-25-2005

I have happily obtained enough horsehair rope of 3/4 inch thickness to spring my 4-span. Aitor seems to indicate 3/4 inch would have been OK for horsehair. The data I see on horsehair states it has excellent "memory".<br>
I have seen no data on animal rope. Nothing. No one seems to know. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>JOHN M MCDERMOTT</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 2/25/05 5:29 pm<br></i>

Cologne manubalista - Vincula - 04-11-2005

Quote:The remains go on display in the Römisch-Germanischen Museum in Köln (Cologne) from March 12th.

Did any RATers visit :?:

Re: Aitor Alert! Manuballista found! - Praefectusclassis - 04-11-2005

Yes, several RAT-ers did. Pictures aplenty!

Re: Aitor Alert! Manuballista found! - Lucius Aurelius Metellus - 04-11-2005

Any chance of posting some of the photos here? I'd love to see that machine! Big Grin

Re: Aitor Alert! Manuballista found! - Flavius Promotus - 04-11-2005

Ok, my old username resurrected again ! ("Iit worrkssss!" - Judge Death)

Lucius, I've been at Cologne this weekend and could send you images of the original and the reconstruction via mail if you want to.
Aitor, the same goes for you - want some ?

best wishes

Re: Aitor Alert! Manuballista found! - Lucius Aurelius Metellus - 04-12-2005

That would be great, Flavius, thanks so much! Big Grin

Re: Aitor Alert! Manuballista found! - Flavius Promotus - 04-12-2005

Oooops - seems I've flooded your mailbox.

I am awfully sorry ! I wanted to provide you with the highest resolution possible, but maybe I should have downsized them a little.
Hope it doesn't cause you too many inconveniences.


Re: Aitor Alert! Manuballista found! - aitor iriarte - 04-13-2005

Oh, yes, ssuuure!!! Many thanksTongue


Cologne manubalista - Vincula - 04-14-2005

Quote:Yes, several RAT-ers did. Pictures aplenty!

Can we see some? Sad

Re: Aitor Alert! Manuballista found! - Praefectusclassis - 04-14-2005

Oh, alright... :wink:
Here's some. First the newly found tombstone (details, as ever, in the imagebase), then the catapult and a reconstruction, a new helmet and finally some of the RAT-ers in real life. L-R: Hans (Hansvl), Jeroen (Pelgr003) and Florian (Flavius Promotus).

[Image: pict3054.jpg]
[Image: pict3066.jpg]
[Image: pict3074.jpg]
[Image: pict3079.jpg]
[Image: pict3088.jpg]

new tombstone - hansvl - 04-14-2005

Isn't it weird that whenever a guy doesn't know what to do with his hands when a picture is being taken while sitting down, he uses them to 'protect his royal bits' :lol:

But serious now: when discussing this new stone in the exhibit in Cologne, our excellent guide (magister navis) referred to a focale worn by this soldier (auxiliary/legionary?), but to me this seems more like the folds of a hood/cap belonging to the paenula the soldier is wearing. I didn't went into this at the time of our visit because the topic changed rappidly. But am I wrong and is it just a focale?


Re: Aitor Alert! Manuballista found! - Praefectusclassis - 04-14-2005

To be honest, to me it looked like an extension of the paenula too. Good thing I have a detail shot here:
[Image: Pict3049.jpg]

Re: Aitor Alert! Manuballista found! - aitor iriarte - 04-15-2005

Eeerrr, perhaps all this stuff should have followed on the Off-topic RAT visit to Cologne (only a suggestion) :?:

Aitor :?

Re: Aitor Alert! Manuballista found! - Jeroen Pelgrom - 04-15-2005

i have already edited that thread so it points to this one