NEW RECRUITS - Printable Version

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Re: NEW RECRUITS - Alexandr K - 08-16-2002

I'm Alexandr, from Brno, Czech Republic. I'm 19 and I'm studying History and Classical Archaeology on Universitas Masarykiana here in Brno. I've been interested in ancient Rome for very long time.<br>
Reenactment: I'm (with two friends) trying to start a reenactment group in Brno now. It seems, that we will be a section of Legio X Gemina Pia Fidelis, which is based in Prague.<br>
We have absolutely no experiences with such things, so now we are gathering informations and starting to make our equipment. For other reenactors, the site of Leg X GPF is: but, unfortunately, the english version isn't still complete.<br>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Anonymous - 08-16-2002

Salve Alexandr, welcome to RAT! Good luck with your group! It takes a lot of time, but it's well worth it! <p>"Only Trajan could go to Dacia."<BR>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Anonymous - 08-22-2002

I am a new recruit. I am from western Pennsylvania. I became interested in anything Roman way, way back in Jr. High. Been hooked ever since. I read any and everything that I can get my hands on concerning Rome, especially the Republic years. I have a master's degree in exercise phys. and will be pursueing my doctorate in Ancient Sport History. Before I go any further let me tell you that I am a woman so you won't be mortified by my saying that I think it was discovering that the ancients actually competed in many contests naked that piqued my interest! Besides that, I have a keen interest in the Legions, their training, fighting techniques, diet, ect...Ahhh..all those "manly men"!!! Anyway, I too am very interested in learning more about the calvery since I show horses. Specifically, what breed they raised in Rome. Looking so forward to learning from everyone!<br>
Caecilia Drusa Dalmatica <p></p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Anonymous - 08-22-2002

Salve and welcome to RAT Caecilia,<br>
Well, if you are ever in the Niagara Falls area, my legion and I will have to do some naked combat drills for you since we are a bunch of young lads in our primes. How far are you from Windsor/Detroit? There is a really great annual event there that happens on my side of the boarder at Fort Mulden. Lots'a Romans doing their thing, and food galore. Do you plan on doing any reenacting? At the least, perhaps you can make some Roman garb if you decide to come to an event.<br>
Enjoy the board! <p>"Only Trajan could go to Dacia."<BR>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - richsc - 08-22-2002

Salva Caecilia! Down here in DC in Legio XX we don't have any cavalry but we're a friendly group, and you're always welcome. There is a lot of cavalry knowledge around RAT, and I'm sure Sander has a, all, the sources for you. Have you read Ann Hyland's books on Roman cavalry? She and another British horse woman (name escapes me at the moment) have done a lot of work on this, and their books are worth finding. <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX. </p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - John Maddox Roberts - 08-23-2002

Hello, all. I'm John Maddox Roberts and I write the SPQR series of mysteries set in the late Roman republic. I recently discovered this forum through Matthew Amt's Legio XX site and I'd love to participate. I'm into all things Roman, especially military and gladiatorial subjects and I look forward to contributing lots of discussions. I already know some of you from other forums and hope to meet a lot of new friends here. Best to everyone.<br>
John <p></p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Guest - 08-23-2002

Welcome to the board. I enjoyed reading your books, is there any new one we can expect in the near future?.<br>
Sander van Dorst <p></p><i></i>

SPQR series - John Maddox Roberts - 08-23-2002

SPQR VII, THE TRIBUNE'S CURSE should be out sometime this fall. Volumes I-VI are all in print now, but VIII-XI have only appeared in Germany so far. St. Martin's is being very slow and only bringing out one per year. The series is up to nine languages now, and is especially popular in Germany. <p></p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - richsc - 08-23-2002

Let me second that welcome and that answers the question about the German editions I put in the other thread.<br>
If you're even in the DC area during on of our Legion XX events, we'd be glad to make your acquaintance, and I'm sure that goes for everyone else here as well. <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX. </p><i></i>

Re: SPQR series - Anonymous - 08-24-2002

Ave, John Maddox Roberts.<br>
You are very welcome here.<br>

Hello all - Anonymous - 08-25-2002

Hello all, I am new here, but I have been reading the boards every now and then for some time. I have been fascinated with the Roman Empire forever lol. Specifically the Roman legions and wars of conquests they were involved in. I really enjoy details, like day to day life in the army, the type of weapons and armor used at different periods. I'd really be interested in seeing renactments as well! I live in New England, if there are any near the New England area please point me in that direction.<br>
I'm in my second year of college and have loved history since as far as I can remember. I think I'm the only kid on my campus that enjoy's history to a high degree lol. I'd like to major in history in fact, and write books, possibly work on accurate documentaries in the future.<br>
And Please don't massacre me for my user name lol. I love the Punic wars, and have a soft spot for the genius that was Hannibal Barca and his Generals. It is in my opinion that Maharbal was one of the best cavalry commanders of all time, so that is the name I have chosen. Rome is still number 1 in my book, I just like Maharbal lol<br>
SPQR <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Maharbal</A> at: 8/25/02 5:53:05 am<br></i>

Re: SPQR series - richsc - 08-25-2002

Welcome Maharbal! Have you been studying the cavalry of the Punic wars specifically? <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX. </p><i></i>

Re: Hello all - Anonymous - 08-25-2002

Hello Rich, I have not studied the cavalry specifically, but I have focused mainly on the 2nd Punic war and all military operations within it. I would like to study things like the cavalry in depth but I have a hard time finding books and resources with that kind of detailed accurate information. Although I have looked at your website and it contains a wealth of links! Maybe I'll find something <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Maharbal</A> at: 8/25/02 4:59:52 pm<br></i>

Punic Cavalry - richsc - 08-25-2002

You should start a thread over in the archaeology / history section. <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX. </p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Anonymous - 08-25-2002

Rich and Matt,<br>
Thanks for the welcome and the info on the cavalry books. I really would like to attend some gatherings that are held in this area. I'm about 60 miles east of Pittsburgh so let me know of any in the future. caecilia drusa dalmatica <p></p><i></i>