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Last known uses of "xiphos"-type sword ???
(04-03-2024, 05:33 PM)SevenSixTwo Wrote: Yeah i've seen quite a lot of depictions of this type of swords well into the 3rd and 2nd century (like at Pergamon), but i've never managed to find any evidence for physical examples from this period.
Researching arms and armour from the Classical and Hellenistic Aegean takes some work because objects excavated by archaeologists after 1945 are generally in museums in the country where they were found, and published in the national language or an expensive volume in German. And not many people who used Greek-style arms and armour were burying it in the earth or sinking it in water by the third century BCE. So there are fewer finds, and if you are not Greek or Bulgarian you have to learn about them in a second language.
Nullis in verba

I have not checked this forum frequently since 2013, but I hope that these old posts have some value. I now have a blog on books, swords, and the curious things humans do with them.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Last known uses of "xiphos"-type sword ??? - by Sean Manning - 04-13-2024, 02:44 AM

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